Wednesday, May 13, 2009

first haircut at a salon

I decided it was time for Abby to get a hair cut, other than the basic bang-trim that I usually give her. I have only trimmed the back of her hair once since she was born - so this was a big deal. We went to a kid's salon here in Redmond. A lady named Kathy who has been cutting kid's hair for 25 years cut Abby's hair today. We picked out a Curious George video for Abby to watch and Kathy went to work. Abby was amazing. She didn't complain once - even when Kathy blew her hair dry at the end. It was a great experience. Abby's hair is at least 3 inches shorter in the back - it was a little sad to see her curls on the floor - but she looks adorable.


Big smile for mom as Kathy gets started.


Hair clipped up during the cutting process.


Abby got to sit on a cow chair. She loved that!


Eyes glued on the TV - Curious George is one of her favorites!


All done! Purple barrette (she got to pick it out) and sparkly spray in her hair.


Picking a treat out of the bucket -- she chose a green ring with googly eyes on it.

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